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FREE PATTERN: Harem Pants | Size 50 - 68 (0 - 5 months)

Harem pants are a true classic for babies. They offer enough room even for fabric diapers and are pure comfort. Plus, they look super cool!

The European sizes are based on the child’s height measured in centimeters. In the ebooks, the sizes are indicated in both ways, centimeters, and inches of course. Also, the fabric requirement is listed in centimeters and yards. The European size of 44 - 56 corresponds to the UK or US size of 0 - 2 months.

FREE PATTERN: Harem Pants 1.0 for babies

PDF Pattern for Din A4 Print and Instructions

Download the pattern and print it at home! Make sure to print at „Actual Size“. Do not scale! Check the test square to make sure that the pattern is printing at the correct size. The edges and markings on each page help you assemble the pattern in the right way. Match up 1 with 1, 2 with 2, etc.

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The beginnings of Lybstes

The harem pants mark the start of my business. Previously “Lybstes“ had been a DIY blog. Then, starting with the harem pants, it became a shop with patterns for children’s clothes. I’m so happy that you all still love my patterns. I look forward to many new and exciting projects with you.

More information about the pattern


Pattern pieces should be cut according to the grainline of the fabric. The grainline of jersey and sweatshirt fleece is usually perpendicular to the direction of the main stretch. There is almost no give/stretch along the grainline. You will find both grainline and direction of stretch lines on the pattern pieces that will help you to lay out your pattern pieces correctly.


Fold indicates that you should fold the fabric here and place the pattern piece along the foldline. You will cut through both layers of fabric.

Pattern markings

Transfer all pattern markings using a tailor‘s chalk or by cutting small notches within the seam allowance. Make sure you also mark the center of the pattern pieces (foldline).


Use a stretch, overlock or zigzag stitch, unless otherwise noted.

Instructions: Harem Pants 1.0

Beautiful pieces of our seamstresses

Have fun sewing these pants! Don't forget to share your creations on Social Media with #lybstes if you want to! I love to see what you make out of the patterns!

Lybstes Grüße


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